
Issue Title
Vol 22, No 2 (2024): April Low-carbon steel fatigue behavior after pack carburizing with buffalo bone charcoal and barium carbonate media Abstract  PDF
Yafet Bontong, Milka Rante, Nitha Nitha
Vol 22, No 3 (2024): June The effect of temperature, pressure, and grind size on Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and extraction yield of semi-automatic espresso machines Abstract  PDF
Rochmad Winarso, Slamet Khoeron, Rianto Wibowo, Darmanto Darmanto
Vol 22, No 4 (2024): August The influence of heating and cooling on the precision and microstructure of 3D printing results with PLA+ material Abstract  PDF
Dikky Antonius Hutauruk, Steven Austin Tondang
Vol 21, No 1 (2023): February Comparison Between a Thermosiphon and a Wick Heat Pipe Performance with Temperature Difference Abstract  PDF
Fazri Amir, Samsul Rizal, Razali Thaib, Hamdani Umar, Nasruddin A Abdullah
Vol 22, No 1 (2024): February Design Of Temperature System On The Electrical Tank Heater Using PLC Abstract  PDF
Astrie Kusuma Dewi, Ihrom Sugirto, Chalidia Nurin Hamdani, Natasya Aisah Septiani
Vol 20, No 2 (2022): August Analysis of Mechanical Properties of CD 304 SS at High-Temperature Transient Conditions Abstract  PDF
Adi Prastyo, Fauzi Ibrahim, Mohammad Badaruddin
Vol 3, No 2 (2005): Agustus Hardening pada baja aisi C 1045. Abstract  PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Adi Saputra Ismy
Vol 22, No 3 (2024): June A study on optimal parameter combinations for austempered ductile iron Abstract  PDF
Herry Oktadinata, Dewin Purnama, Rizal Nurdian Hamzah, Agung Slamet Apriyan
Vol 21, No 1 (2023): February Implementation of PID Controller on Hohenheim Tunnel Dryer Using Ziegler-Nichols Approach Method Abstract  PDF
Melinda Melinda, Rita Khatir, Ari Rahmat Putra Ibina, Alfatirta Mufti, Rizal Syahyadi, Iskandar Hasanuddin
Vol 22, No 1 (2024): February Analysis of Temperature Distribution on the Coffee Roaster Drum for a Capacity of 2 kg Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Abstract  PDF
Dedi Suryadi, Benny Dwika Leonanda, Alfin Mustagfirin, Agus Suandi
Vol 20, No 2 (2022): August The effect of solar tracker movement on the thermal performance of solar cooker using the Fresnel lens solar concentrator Abstract  PDF
Asrori Asrori, Sugeng Hadi Susilo, Kris Witono, Putu Wijaya Sunu
Vol 21, No 5 (2023): October Effect of numerous plate holes in a cooling tower on heat transfer optimization Abstract  PDF
Heli Suansyah, Ahmad Syuhada, Sarwo Edhy Sofyan
Vol 20, No 1 (2022): February Experimental and Simulation Evaluation of Temperature and Air Flow in Tunnel-Type Dryers: Preliminary Study Abstract  PDF
Akhyar Akhyar, Darwin Harun, Muhammad Robby, Muhammad Ilham Maulana, Ahmad Farhan
Vol 21, No 1 (2023): February Performance Analysis Cooling Tower Type Induced Draft with PVC Plate Filling Material Abstract  PDF
Mochamad Rizky Pradana, Astrie Kusuma Dewi, Natasya Aisah Septiani, Asepta Surya Wardhana, Muhammad Ramdhan, Wendy Triadji Nugroho
Vol 21, No 1 (2023): February The Influence of Annealing Temperature and Holding Time Near Glass Transition Temperature on the Tensile Strength of Fused Deposition Modeling Printed Polylactic Acid Abstract  PDF
Michael Evan, The Jaya Suteja, Sunardi Tjandra
Vol 21, No 4 (2023): August The Effect of embossing roll roughness and forming temperature on damage to menthol-coated aluminum foil on packaging Abstract  PDF
Ludfi Setiawan, Asrori Asrori
Vol 22, No 2 (2024): April Characteristics of temperature uniformity system in multi-tier drying equipment with sharp turning technology Abstract  PDF
dedi afandi, Ahmad Syuhada, razali razali, muhammad ilham maulana
Vol 21, No 3 (2023): June Analysis of liquid rocket propellant in nitroglycerin injector reactors Abstract  PDF
maryono maryono, Muhammad Akhlis Rizza
Vol 2, No 1 (2004): Februari Penetuan persamaan faktor gesekan baru dengan menggunakan metode regresi multi variable bertolak ukur pada persamaan faktor gesekan chen Abstract  PDF
Jenne Syarif
Vol 1, No 1 (2003): Agustus Pengaruh temperatur tempering terhadap kekerasan dan ketangguhan material pelat baja karbon sebagai bahan cangkul Abstract  PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)
Adi Saputra Ismy, Samsul Bahri
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