Experimental study of the effect of angle deflector horizontal axis water turbine (HAWT) drag type on power generation on water flow in the pipe.

Ari Prasetyo, Syamsul Hadi, Hamid Abdillah


One of the great potentials in generating electrical energy in Indonesia is by utilizing high rainfall and town buildings. This can be done by applying a horizontal axis water turbine (HAWT) in the building's pipes to generate energy. This study aims to determine the effect of the angle of the HAWT deflector on the ability to produce energy. Experimental studies of deflector angles on turbines were examined to determine optimal turbine performance. In this experimental study, testing was carried out using test equipment with a head height of 2 m. The deflector angle variations given were 20º, 30, 40º, 50º, 60º, and 70º. The data recorded are turbine rotation (rpm), voltage (volts), and electric current (amperes). Then calculation was made for the parameters to determine the power coefficient (Cp) and top speed ratio (TSR). The results of this study are provided from the most optimal turbine performance through the measurement of voltage data, output power, and power coefficient. The most optimal The resulting voltage is 9.90 [volt], the output power is 2.61 [watt] and the power coefficient is 3,16×10-2. Maximum TSR and CP at 40° deflector resulted in optimal performance. This is due to the 40° deflector trajectory to form a more precise fluid flow regarding the concave blade of the turbine to produce the greatest torque, thereby increasing the electrical power output.


Water Turbine, Depth to Width Ratio, HAWT,

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30811/jpl.v20i2.3052


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