Analysis of Octane, Heating, and Viscosity Value of Pertalite and Turpentine Oil Mixtures on 4-Step Motorcycle Performance

Alex Taufiqurrohman Zain


Octane, heating, and viscosity value are important parameters that affect fuel quality. These parameters are related to combustion process and energy produced and affect vehicle performance. Main fuel is pertalite with octane number of 90 (RON). The quality of pertalite can be improved by adding turpentine oil as a bioadditive. This study analyzes effect of adding turpentine oil on these parameters and vehicle performance. Turpentine oil contains oxygenate, so long-term use has a lower risk to the engine. Various composition of turpentine oil for mixture with pertalite are 0% (PMT 0%), 10% (PMT 10%), 20% (PMT 20%), and 30% (30% PMT) with a total volume of 100 (ml) of each sample mixture. A centrifuge (200 rpm) was used to ensure sample was evenly mixed. Results show addition of turpentine oil increases octane and heating value. The highest octane and heating values were PMT 30% samples, 94.4 (RON), and 39573.1 (KJ/Kg). Meanwhile, the lowest viscosity value was PMT 10%, which was 0.886 cSt. All fuel samples have a viscosity value according to the standard, which is below 1 cSt, so they can be used for testing on vehicles. Vehicle performance test shows that increase in octane and heating value will be followed by an increase in the number of torque and power. PMT 30% produced the highest torque and power numbers, 25.5 N.m (3000 rpm) and 12.10 Hp (4000 rpm). An increase in the torque and power is proportional to the increase in specific fuel consumption, 2,377 Kg/Hour.Hp (8000 rpm).


Turpentine oil, Torque, Power, and Specific Fuel Consumption.

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