Rancang Bangun Pengendali Pintu Garasi menggunakan Smartphone Android Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATmega 8

Suwandi Saputra, Aidi Finawan, Jamaluddin Jamaluddin


The development of science and technology so fast make people closer to technology. Especially in the field of electronics technology that can affect the life of the community to move forward, practical and simple-minded. For example, to operate the garage door, although it looks simple but it takes time and effort to operate. For the purpose of making "design control garage door using android smartphone-based microcontroller ATmega 8" is that in the process of opening and closing the garage door is easier because it can be controlled remotely so it can minimalized problems that occur in open and close the door manul, and realize the design of hardware, software and know the performance control garage door. (Hardware) used is Android smartphone as a generator of code characters and then via the Bluetooth module to the microcontroller ATmega 8 to be processed in the microcontroller into a form of a decision, the next of electrical energy is converted into mechanical motion of the motor power windo to be converted into mechanical motion of the moving door garage. Bluetooth range maximum distance of 17 meters if without hindrance and when there are obstructions the maximum connection range of 15 meters. dioprasikan garage doors can be opened fully, fully close, open and close as desired, and the door can be stopped manually when desired. And locks the door works automatically.


Controller; Garage Doors; Microcontroller; Android Smartphone; Bluetooth

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30811/litek.v13i2.1069


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Jurusan Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe
Buketrata, Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia - 24301
P-ISSN: 1693-8097, E-ISSN: 2549-8762

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