Journal History

Jurnal Litek : Jurnal Listrik Telekomunikasi Elektronika  is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Jurusan Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe.

This journal was published in March 2004 in a printed version with ISSN 1693-8097.

Journals name comes from three study programs name in the Department of Electrical Engineering at that time, namely Electrical Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, and Electronic Engineering.

However, this journal doesn't limit articles to the three field area above, but in the field of Electrical Engineering globally.

Journal was made accessible online commencing March 2016 in, and had online ISSN 2549-8762 in March, 10 2017 (starting issue of Vol. 14, No. 1, March 2017). Website in this link was discontinued until 2021.

Since Volume 19 Issue 1 Year 2022, website of this journal has been continued to the following a new address: