Sistem Absensi Mahasiswa Menggunakan Fingerprint Dan Raspberry Pi Dengan Notifikasi

Muhammad Raysa, Atthariq Atthariq, Muhammad Nasir, Taufik Taufik


Fingerprint is an application designed to meet the needs of fast data using fingerprint verification. Fingerprint attendance machine is a type of biometric attendance machine that uses the student attendance/attendance method by detecting fingers. This fingerprint attendance is designed with Fingerprint Sensor, LCD and notification components. The purpose of this final project is to design an attendance device with fingerprints and a web database as a means of attendance. This system uses a Raspberry Pi as the controller. The study used fingerprints that had previously been verified in the database. In testing this attendance system there are 4 tests, namely LCD testing, which is based on the results of the LCD only displaying all forms of data as a display that is in accordance with the registered database, fingerprint testing for fingerprint testing, from 10 times fingerprint testing of 20 people can produce read 97.7% this value can be from the average value of the success of the fingerprint. web testing based on the results that have been tested on the selenium IDE tool with successful output and no errors, the web 2 seconds after the fingerprint data will go directly into the web database. Application testing, based on the results of application testing, namely after fingerprint data enters the web database and immediately enters the notification to the parent's gmail as information from the application that the student has taken attendance, and the parents can see the attendance data or information from the student.

Keywords: Attendance, Fingerprint, Raspberry Pi, Web Database

Teks Lengkap:



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