Simulasi Teknologi Virtual Reality Untuk Pelayanan Perpustakaan Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe Berbasis Android

Munawar Saputra, Husaini Husaini, Amri Amri


The simulations carried out by several institutions generally only show the design of 3D images or printed media, so in order to make the images look more real, an application is needed that can introduce and provide information about the specifics of the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic library building. By preparing a smartphone and joystick to support applications that have been made, and preparing Google Cardboard glasses. Then users can immediately use the 3D virtual reality application that has been created. The menus contained in this application are only menus, start here, about, and quit. This study aims to determine the value of application speed when changing scene pages that are run on smartphones with different RAM versions and a comparison of the success of applications running on several smartphones. Based on the test, the average speed value when changing the scene page is from 0.74 seconds to 10 seconds and the minimum application can only be run or played on smartphones with 3GB RAM versions and above.

Keywords— Aplikasi, Virtual Reality, Joystick, Google Cardboard, Smartphone

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