Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Tingkat Kecanduan Sosial Media pada Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe dengan Menggunakan Metode Dempster Shafer

Anisa Fitri Ariani, Huzaeni Huzaeni, Hendrawaty Hendrawaty


The development of social media with various features is able to attract the attention of the public of all ages,
generally late teens such as students, show a stronger interest in playing social media, often found that students spend
more time playing gadgets by accessing social media than filling their time by studying. This indicates the early
symptoms of social media addiction that may be experienced by students. Without proper treatment and treatment,
students will consider the symptoms of addiction they experience to be the right thing even though they are deviant. Of
these problems, can be solved by making expert system diagnosas the level of social media addiction in Lhokseumawe
State Polytechnic students as a substitute for consultation directly by visiting a psychology clinic, does not require a long
time, and does not cost a consultation. This system is built using 30 data symptoms and 30 data values of weight, which
reasoning system is processed using the method of Dempster Shafer by combining the value of the weight between the
two symptoms, the value of the weight in accordance with expert knowledge in the field of Psychology. The results of this
expert system are in the form of social media addiction level diagnosis, percentage of diagnosis confidence value,
information on the impact of social media addiction, and information on solutions to reduce the impact of social media
addiction on students. From the results of testing 50 data Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic students there are 48% of
students are at the level of mild addiction, 22% of students are at a moderate level, and 30% of students are at a high

Keyword— Social Media, Expert System, Dempster Shafer

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