Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Deteksi Keaslian Sertifikat Tanah Menggunakan Metode Template Matching(Studi Kasus Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kabupaten Aceh Utara)

Muhammad Iqbal, Mulyadi Mulyadi, Musta’inul Abdi


Land certificates are evidence for land rights, management rights, waqf land, property rights over flat units and mortgage rights, each of which has been recorded in the relevant land book. A land certificate is a valid evidence as a strong proof of physical data and juridical data. This becomes problematic if there is a falsification of land certificates or there are multiple land certificates on the same land object. One way to identify whether a land certificate is genuine or fake is to use digital image processing. Therefore, an application was designed that can detect the authenticity of land certificates. There are 3 main parameters that can be detected for authenticity in land certificates, namely, Blank Number, Land Certificate Number, and Signature. This system has input in the form of an image capture of the land certificate object which will be compared with the land certificate template that is already available in the database, where the highest value will be selected from the comparison of the grayscale template and object values, then the selected value will be processed to the Template Matching method to get the results. which is more accurate with a predetermined threshold. Furthermore, the system will provide output in the form of information about the authenticity of the land certificate. Based on the results of several tests, the detection accuracy of the Template Matching method from a total of 20 original land certificate data, there were 2 which were detected as fake, so the accuracy obtained was 90%. The detection accuracy of the Template Matching method from a total of 25 falsified land certificate data contained 6 original detected results in the land certificate number section, so that the accuracy obtained was 76%, and the detection accuracy of the Template Matching method from 20 falsified signature data contained 6 results. original signature is detected, so the accuracy obtained is 70%. In this study, a system has been created to detect the authenticity of land certificates using the template matching method, where if the similarity value between the template image and the object reaches 86% and above, the system will detect it as a genuine certificate, but if it is below 86%, the system will detect it as a fake certificate.


Keywords— Digital Image Processing, Counterfeiting, Land Certificate, Template Matching, Signature

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