Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Chatbot Untuk Deteksi Pecandu Pornografi Menggunakan Metode Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Pornography is a sexual representation in the media that displays sexual activities and materials that emphasize sexual elements that can cause addiction. One of the factors causing the number of pornography addicts in society is due to a lack of awareness and understanding of the negative effects of pornography. Self-awareness will help the community, especially the younger generation, to be able to leave pornographic content and avoid its impact in the long run. This research aims to provide solutions for addicts and the community to stop the habit of enjoying pornography by creating a Porn Addict Detection Chatbot (ChatPAD) using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method through the PAST (Porn Addiction Screening Tool) psychology approach with the Cyber Pornography Inventory Use question model. The chatbot has features to detect the level of addiction of a person to pornography as well as provide understanding of the harmful effects and how to stop pornography addiction. The results of this study, the chatbot successfully predicts the level of pornography addiction of users using the SVM method with good and accurate accuracy. The accuracy level obtained based on confusion matrix testing reaches 98.3% on label_2 and label_3 while the lowest accuracy level is located on label_1. The highest precision result is owned by label_1 with 98.4% followed by label_0 while the lowest precision is label_4. The highest recall result is 87.8% from label_2 while the lowest is 7.14% from label_1. The f1-score results recorded label_2 has the highest result with a score of 91.1%. Based on the test results, it is necessary to improve the performance of label_1 because it has a low f1-score and recall.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30811/jaise.v4i1.5399
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