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Petunjuk Penulis
Please submit the following :
1. Language
It is required that the manuscript be written in either Bahasa Indonesia or English (either American or British standard, but not the mixture of both).
2. Length of Paper
The paper should not exceed 12 pages in length. Documents over 12 pages will be returned to the author(s) for editing. Authors are encouraged to write as concisely as possible, without sacrificing clarity.
3. Title Page
Title should be concise and informative. Try to avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.
Author’s Names and Affiliations:
Please include the first name and last name in a clear and unambiguous manner. Below the names, please provide the authors' affiliation addresses, indicating the specific location where the research was conducted. Please denote all affiliations by using a lowercase superscript letter directly following the author's name and preceding the corresponding address. Please provide the complete postal address for each affiliation, including the country name. If available, also include the email address and telephone number of each author.
Corresponding Author:
Explicitly specify the individual or individuals who are prepared to manage all aspects of communication during the peer review process, publishing, and subsequent to publication. It is important to include telephone numbers, together with the country and area code, along with the e-mail address and complete postal address.
Sponsoring Information:
If the research is sponsored or supported by an organization, please indicate it.
4. Abstract
A succinct and objective abstract is necessary, with a maximum word limit of 400. The abstract should succinctly outline the research's objective, the primary findings, and the key conclusions. An abstract is typically provided independently from the article; hence it must possess the ability to function on its own. Avoid using references whenever possible. However, if they are necessary, they must be referenced in their entirety, without making any reference to the list of references.
5. Keywords
Following the abstract, include a maximum of 6 keywords that are specific and singular, avoiding broad terms and several ideas.
6. Subdivision of the Article
Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered A, B, C, etc with italics. The abstract is not included in section numbering.
7. Table and Figures
Present tables and figures at the end of the article or inside in line with text. Please note that the article will be published in black and white.
8. References
Author(s) should follow the latest edition of IEEE style in referencing. Quick reference, you can access
Citations in the Text:
Please ensure that each reference cited in the text appears in the reference list as well (and vice versa). Avoid referencing within the abstract. Unpublished results and personal correspondence should not be included in the list of references, but may be cited in the text. A citation cited as "in press" indicates that the work has been accepted for publication.
Reference List:
References should be arranged chronologically if necessary.
Source :
9. Submission Checklist
This list can be utilized to conduct a comprehensive examination of your article prior to its submission for journal review. Please refer to the pertinent section of this Guide for Authors for further information.
10. Contact details for submission
Authors are required to electronically submit their papers through the J-AISE online submission and review website ( This website will provide authors with a systematic and sequential approach to follow during the submission procedure. Authors are required to electronically transmit the text, tables, and artwork to this address. Authors who are unable to furnish an electronic version or encounter other obstacles that hinder online submission must contact the Editor beforehand to deliberate alternate choices; email:
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Nama dan alamat email yang dimasukkan di situs jurnal hanya akan digunakan untuk tujuan yang sudah disebutkan, tidak akan disalahgunakan untuk tujuan lain atau untuk pihak lain.
Indexing :
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (JAISE) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.