Karakterisasi Biobriket dari Peuyeumisasi Sampah Pasar Berdasarkan Perbedaan Ukuran Partikel dan Bentuk Biobriket

Muhammad Hafizal, Saifuddin Saifuddin, Elfiana Elfiana


One alternative energy source to replace coal is biobriquettes. It is time for Indonesia to look for other alternative energy sources, switching from nonrenewable fossil fuels to renewable sources and environmentally friendly raw material energy sources for Municipal Waste. Biobriquettes are an alternative energy source derived from biomass which can replace energy originating from fossils. Factory waste, municipal waste and organic waste can be utilized and then converted into solid raw materials with compaction results that are more effective, efficient and easy to use. The research variables are cube, hexagonal, block, cylinder and coin briquette shapes by changing particle sizes of 20 mesh, 40 mesh, 60 mesh, 80 mesh, and 100 mesh  without a sieve. The results of the research obtained data on a calorific value of 4,121 Cal/gram from a cylindrical shape measuring 80 mesh, a water content test of 1.2% was obtained from blocks and coins measuring 20 mesh, an ash content test of 8.04% was obtained from a cube shape sample measuring 20 mesh and The volatile content test of 6.92% was obtained from a 20 mesh cylindrical shape. Based on this information, it is possible to deduce that  this research does not meet the Indonesian National Standards (SNI).


Biobriquette, biobriquette form, peuyeumization, particle size, waste market

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30811/teknologi.v24i1.5202


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