Penyisihan Logam Berat Besi (Fe) pada Air Sungai Musi secara Kontinyu Menggunakan Karbon Aktif Tongkol Jagung Teraktivasi HCl

Annisa Shafira, Rusdianasari Rusdianasari, Ibnu Hajar


Numerous instances of heavy metal contamination have been documented in Indonesian aquatic ecosystems, prompting the exploration of remediation strategies. Removal of heavy metals can be done by adsorption method. Economical adsorbents have been developed in recent years by utilizing organic waste as activated carbon. Corncob is one of the organic wastes that can be used as activated carbon, thereby reducing environmental pollution and increasing its economic value. The purpose of this study was to obtain the type of activated carbon from corn cobs according to SNI 06-3730-1995 standards and to determine the adsorption capacity of corn cobs for heavy metals in Musi River water using the continuous method. The experimental approach involves continuous flow conditions, with variations in carbonization temperature (300°C and 500°C) and bed height (10 cm and 20 cm). The water from the Musi River, confined within a ten-liter container, was propelled upward, accompanied by flow rate adjustments spanning 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 mL/minute for 15 minutes, flowing through 2 tubes containing activated carbon. Optimal adsorption efficiency was obtained at a carbonization temperature of 500°C, a flow rate of 15 mL/minute, and a bed height of 20 cm, culminating in a 67% removal rate.


adsorption, corn cob, continue, heavy metals.

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