Desain Modul Saluran Distribusi Tegangan Menengah Dan Beban

Rudi Syahputra, Yaman Yaman, Roudhatul Jannah



Abstrak— Dalam proses penyaluran energi listrik dari saluran distribusi tegangan menengah sampai ke pusat beban biasanya mengalami penurunan tegangan yang disebut dengan jatuh (drop) tegangan. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya impedansi pada saluran dan parameter pada beban berupa arus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk pembuktian perbaikan jatuh tegangan menggunakan saluran distribusi tegangan menengah dan beban yang telah dibuat dengan cara mengatur tegangan kirim, menambah kapasitor pada ujung beban induktif, dan menghubung pararel saluran distribusi tegangan menengah. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode pengujian dan pengukuran untuk mendapatkan nilai parameter jaringan dan jatuh tegangan yang diinginkan. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa jatuh tegangan pada kodisi awal 21,06 Volt dengan beban lampu pijar dan 44,2 Volt pada lampu TL. Pada pengujian menaikkan tegangan kirim dari 380 Volt ke 409 Volt dengan beban lampu pijar jatuh tegangan yang diperoleh sebesar 22,23 Volt. Pada pengujian pararel saluran jatuh tegangan sebesar 4,03 Volt dan pada pengujian menggunakan kapasitor 4 mF dengan beban lampu TL jatuh tegangan sebesar 23,53 Volt.


Kata kunci: Tegangan Menengah, Beban, Parameter Jaringan, Jatuh Tengangan


Abstract— In the process of distributing electrical energy from the medium voltage distribution channel to the center of the load, the voltage is usually decreased which is called the voltage drop. This is due to the impedance of the channel and the parameters of the current load. The purpose of this study is to prove the improvement of voltage drop using medium voltage distribution channels and the load that has been made by regulating the send voltage, adding capacitors at the end of the inductive load, and connecting parallel medium voltage distribution channels. The method used in this research is testing and measurement methods to get the value of the network parameters and the desired voltage drop. The measurement results show that the voltage drop in the initial condition is 21.06 Volts with the incandescent lamp load and 44.2 Volts on the TL lamp. In the test increase the sending voltage from 380 Volts to 409 Volts with incandescent lamp loads the voltage obtained is 22.23 Volts. In parallel testing the channel voltage drop is 4.03 Volts and the test uses a 4.03  F capacitor with a TL lamp voltage drop of 23.53 Volts.


Keywords: Medium Voltage, Load, Network Parameters, Voltage drop

 Abstract— In the process of distributing electrical energy from the medium voltage distribution channel to the center of the load, the voltage is usually decreased which is called the voltage drop. This is due to the impedance of the channel and the parameters of the current load. The purpose of this study is to prove the improvement of voltage drop using medium voltage distribution channels and the load that has been made by regulating the send voltage, adding capacitors at the end of the inductive load, and connecting parallel medium voltage distribution channels. The method used in this research is testing and measurement methods to get the value of the network parameters and the desired voltage drop. The measurement results show that the voltage drop in the initial condition is 21.06 Volts with the incandescent lamp load and 44.2 Volts on the TL lamp. In the test increase the sending voltage from 380 Volts to 409 Volts with incandescent lamp loads the voltage obtained is 22.23 Volts. In parallel testing the channel voltage drop is 4.03 Volts and the test uses a 4.03 m F capacitor with a TL lamp voltage drop of 23.53 Volts. Keywords: Medium Voltage, Load, Network Parameters, Voltage drop

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