Desain Dan Simulasi Lokus Penanam Padi Pada Mekanisme Empat Batang Penghubung Dengan Menggunakan Software Solidworks

Marzuki Marzuki, Sumardi Sumardi


Abstrak - Four link bar mechanism is one of mechanism used in wet Rice transplanting machine. This mechanism consist of a Frame, Cranck, Connector, and Rocker, which is a kinematics chain that is bounded by a systems condition of link bar that are joined together or intersect conditions that allows moving relative or moving any other  link bar position as desired. The planting locus from the movement of this mechanism shows the steps of taking the seedlings from the hoper, placing the seedlings in the right position, correct planting holes and accuracy of feeding the planting holes. This study aims to design and simulate the parameter of four links bar mechanism in order to obtain the optimum parameters and provide an accurate planting locus. The method used in this research is selection of the optimum design parameter of four link bars, namely dimensions and simulation mechanism and movement analysis. Using Solidworks software can simulate an optimal locus of planting by analyzing the velocity, acceleration and movement of four link bar mechanism.


Key words: Four link bar mechanism, Locus of planting, Rice seedlings planted, simulation and Motions Analysis.

Teks Lengkap:



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