Pelatihan Pembuatan Perahu Nelayan Berbasis Bahan komposit Sandwich Triplek Polyester Serat Gelas di Desa Lapang Barat Kecamatan Gandapura

Azwar Yunus


Traditional boats have been using wood as raw material for their construction, due to lacking of wood, an alternative wood substitutes must be found. Plywood is known as a material made from a sheet of wood veneer glued together with a perpendicular cross-sectional arrangement and is used widely.  The mechanical and physical properties of plywood do not meet the physical and mechanical requirements for use as boat building materials, so that the sandwich process with glass fiber polyester has been proven to improve the physical and mechanical properties for boat materials. Plywood material with a thickness of 6 mm that is strengthened by sandwich on both surfaces using 1 layer of glass fiber polyester (roving) obtained bending strength reaches 87 MPa so that it meets the requirements to be used as material in the manufacture of fishing boats referring to SNI 01-7211-2006. The main objective is to carry out the spread of Science and Technology about the manufacture of fishing boats from plywood materials coated with glass fiber polymer composites. In order to teach the public about composite coating technology so that the dominance of wood as a boat material can be replaced by plywood that can be obtained easily on the market. This activity has successfully implemented the application of appropriate technology: Knowledge of Resins, glass fibers and the benefits of using Polyester Fibers reinforced with fiberglass. Furthermore, the making of a boat frame from plywood and the practice of the process of making a glass fiber polyester composite layer on the surface of the boat. The success rate of conducting training activities in making plywood boats to the Lapang Barat village community reached a range of 82% based on the ability to make a proper mixture between resin and hardener, cutting and handling glass fiber and attaching it to the surface of the boat, pouring and smearing the resin and leveling it ended with storage capability resin to remain intact

Kata Kunci

Traditional boat, composite sandwich, composite boat, polyester resin, glass fiber, mechanical properties, physical properties

Teks Lengkap:



A. Azwar, A. S. Ismy, and S. Saifuddin, “Penguatan Kayu dan Plywood Melalui Proses Sandwich dengan Komposit Polyester Serat Gelas Untuk Bahan Pembuatan Perahu,” J. POLIMESIN, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 14, Dec. 2016. [2] M. Azwar Yunus, Saifuddin, “Kekuatan Dan Durabilitas Bahan Komposit Sandwich Plywood Polimer Serat Gelas,” in Prosiding Seminar Nasional Politeknik Negeri Lhkseumawe, 2018. [3] A. S. I. Azwar Yunus, Abdul Arif Lubis, “Kekuatan Bending Komposit Sandwich Plywood dan Polimer Serat Gelas,” Malikussaleh J. Mech. Sci. Technol., vol. 4, no. 2, 2016. [4] S. K. Mazumdar, Composites manufacturing: Materials, product, and process engineering. 2001. [5] BUREAU VERITAS, Hull in Composite Materials and Plywood, Material Approval, Design Principles, Construction and Survey. 92571 Neuilly sur Seine Cedex – France, 2012, p. 78.


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