Pelatihan Automatic Pipe Gas Cutter Bagi Pekerja Bengkel Las di Meunasah Mesjid Kecamatan Blang Mangat Kota Lhokseumawe

Ady Saputra Ismy


The cutting process is one of the engineering work that is very often done by welding workshop workers everywhere. Plates and pipes have become fabrication components for all construction needs in the community. In the field, in general welding workshops still use a fully manual method in which the results of cutting are highly dependent on the operator's hand line alignment. Many shortcomings / weaknesses of the cutting process that are carried out completely manually include the precision value of the cut is very low, the straightness of the cut tends to deviate from the size, greater cut gas consumption, and higher operational costs. Based on the description above and observing the cutting process in the fabrication process carried out in the Adek Abang welding workshop, it still fully uses the hands. Automatic Pipe Gas Cutter Training for Welding Workshop Workers in Meunasah Mosque, Blang Mangat Subdistrict, Lhokseumawe City, aims to introduce the welding workshop practitioners to cutting technology that makes it easier to cut the process with high productivity so that it can increase the level of competition with the optimum low price of fabrication. This training is also a form of transfer of science and technology to welding workshop workers with the aim of increasing their income and welfare. This training method includes 30% theory and 70% practice, participants are able to understand all the material correctly and are able to practice independently of the object of training correctly and on time. The number of participants who took part in the training program totaled 6 people. From the results of the evaluation conducted, it was apparent that all participants understood correctly all the evaluation material which included the principle of cutting pipes with automatic machinery as well as the safety of working with tools. Overall participants can be categorized as graduated by obtaining an average grade of 85. This value can be used as an indicator of the success of this training in achieving training objectives

Kata Kunci

Cutting, oxygen, acetyline, Automatic Pipe Gas Cutter

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