Produksi Garam Konsumsi Dengan Sistem Rekristalisasi Berbahan Baku Garam Lokal Dan Air Laut Di Desa Mesjid Punteut Kecamatan Blang Mangat Kota Lhokseumawe

Halim Zaini, Said Abubakar, M Yunus, Jafar Siddik


Lhokseumawe City which has a total area of about 182 KM2, a population of 153,147 people, 56 villages and is divided into 4 districts namely Muara Satu, Muara Dua, Banda Sakti and Blang Mangat. The potential of productive rice fields is 1,395 hectares, corn land is 177 hectares, pond area is 100 hectares and the potential of ponds for salt making is 20 hectares. In addition there is the potential of sea water as a supporting raw material for producing consumption salt from krosok salt through the recrystallization process. The main obstacle to the consumption of salt production in the village of Punteut Mosque is the unavailability of an effective and efficient production process tank and kitchen. This training is targeted to produce high-quality consumption salt and increase quantity through the recrystallization process. Agreement with partners is prioritized in terms of production aspects by repairing tanks and production kitchens that are more effective and efficient. The results of the evaluation and monitoring of the application of science and technology activities can improve the quality, productivity of both the product and the training participants.

Kata Kunci

local salt; recrystallization; quality; productivity

Teks Lengkap:



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