Pengembangan Teknologi Produksi dan Pemasaran U Neulheu Di Desa Lingka Kuta Kecamatan Gandapura Kabupaten Bireuen Provinsi Aceh

Fatimah Zuhra


Aside from being rich in natural and historical tourism, Aceh's culinary delights are also tempting. The reason, Acehnese cuisine is known to be delicious with distinctive flavors and addictive spices. Aceh cuisine is various cultures such as Arabic, Indian, Siamese, Spanish, Chinese, to Dutch. However, the most influential is Arabic and Indian cuisine which uses a lot of herbs and spices. One of the special spices of Acehnese cuisine is U Neulheu. In the district of Gandapura there are several entrepreneurs U Neulheu with a type of home industry business. The business of U Neulheu is still very traditional in the manufacturing  process, which is still relying on the sun in the process of drying U Neulheu and to arm the U Neulheu also still uses ordinary cauldrons which spend a lot of time. Target Outputs of PKM activities are U Neulheu's increased business productivity, business management and good marketing management, an increase in knowledge of the use of information technology in marketing, expanding marketing networks, and trademarks. PKM activities are expected to increase their U Neulheu efforts.

Kata Kunci

U Neulheu; Spices; Aceh Cuisine.

Teks Lengkap:



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