Pelatihan Cara Menghitung Anggaran Biaya Pelaksanaan (Rap) Pada Bangunan Rumah Sederhana untuk Tukang Bangunan Gampong Mesjid Punteut Kecamatan Blang Mangat

Bakhtiar A


Blang Mangat Subdistrict is one of the sub-districts at Lhokseumawe City which consists of 3 sub-districts that is Meuraksa, Punteut and Mangat sub-districts. Mesjid Punteut village is one the fostered villages of Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic, located ± 500 meters the east of the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic Campus. This training was held in 2018 with the theme "Training How to Read Detail Engineering Design". In 2019 the training will be continued with the theme "Training How to Calculate the Implementation of Budget-Estimate Plan (BEP)". This training activity purpose to improve the ability to understand how to calculate volume, choose analysis and calculate BEP. The target of this activity is for builders who live at Mesjid Punteut Village. The basic skills of the builders were still lacking, so this training was held. Starting from the deepening of theory and practice which is guided in an integrated and detailed manner by the science and technology team of the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic. This training was held for 6 meetings, each meeting held a presentation of material for 1 x 35 minutes. Each participant is provided with a training module to facilitate practice. After the training, a final test was conducted on 9 participants. A total of 5 (five) participants or 55.6% received good grades and as many as 4 (four) participants or 44.4% received sufficient scores. In this case it can be concluded that the average value obtained at the final test of Pelathan activities is 68.2 (good category).

Kata Kunci

Volume; readDED; dimension; analysis.

Teks Lengkap:



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