Pelatihan Peningkatan Pemahaman Masyarakat Tentang Teknik Konstruksi Rumah Tahan Gempa

Zairipan Jaya, Edi Majuar, Muhammad Reza, Iskandar Iskandar


One of the effects earthquake was that many houses were heavily damaged. The results of the investigation, the main problem is the construction of houses that do not follow the rules of the structure of earthquake resistant houses, builders and workers as executors of construction and the general public does not understand earthquake resistant housing construction. Based on these facts, it is necessary to provide standard technical knowledge that is provided to workers, workers and the general public about earthquake resistant housing construction. The supply of technical knowledge is packaged in the form of theoretical training and field knowledge guided by experts who have competence in the field of earthquake resistant housing construction, which is given to 10 participants consisting of 8 craftsmen and workers, and 2 general public. After a written test of theoretical understanding, as many as 8 people or 80% of participants are able to absorb theoretical knowledge well which is declared successful with an average value of 85, whereas based on field knowledge tests, all participants or 100% are able to absorb knowledge well field that was declared successful with an average value of 95. These results indicate that trainees can understand the philosophy of earthquake resistant home construction and technical implementation of good home construction, and understand the technical installation of reinforcing connections to be safe and strong against earthquakes earth, which is a meeting between beams and columns, columns and ringbalks, columns and sloof, floor plates and beams, joists and beams, top ringbalk and edge columns, floor beams and edge columns, floor beams and middle columns, joint connections in the middle spans, as well as the slaughtering of the foundation, and concrete specifications and mixtures.

Kata Kunci

earthquake; house; earthquake resistance house; reinforcement connection; concrete mix

Teks Lengkap:



Anonim, 2006., Pedoman Teknis Rumah dan Bangunan Gedung Tahan Gempa, Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, Jakarta

Boen, T., 1992, Manual Perbaikan Bangunan Sederhana Yang Rusak Akibat Gempa Bumi, (Hasil Survey Gempa Bumi Flores, 12 Desember 1992), Teddy Boen & Rekan, Jakarta, 1992.


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