Peningkatan Teknologi Berbasis Komputer bagi Remaja dan Pemuda Warga Gampong Jambo Timu Kecamatan Blang Mangat Kota Lhokseumawe

Mukhlisul Muzahid


Improvement of computer-based technology for teenagers and young people of Jambo Timu Village, Blang
Mangat Subdistrict, Lhokseumawe City, which is planned to be held in the Accounting Laboratory of the Department of
Commerce of the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic. Jambo Timu Gampong is one of the villages in Blang Mangat
Subdistrict which has an area of approximately 92.5 Ha with a population of 1119 people with a total of 289 households.
This is a target area for Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic. This technology improvement activity provides participants with
knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of computer applications, especially Microsoft Word and Excel. This
activity was attended by 8 participants from the village of Jambo Timu, with the target of being expected to be able to
understand and apply Microsoft Word and Excel in their work activities. In addition, participants also had one expertise
and gave confidence to the participants in facing workplace competition. After conducting the training for 2 days, the
trainees were able to understand and practice the Microsoft Word and Excel applications well, in general the success of
this training achieved results of 87.5%

Kata Kunci

Human Resources, Computer Applications

Teks Lengkap:



Blissmer, (2015). Aplikasi Komputer, Jakarta : Bina Aksara.

Budi Permana, (2016). Belajar Komputer, Gramedia, Jakarta

Francis Scherd, (2014), Komputer Sebagai Suatu Pengantar,

Terjemahan Esther Hanaya, YKPN, Yogyakarta.

Isak Rickyanto, (2012), Aplikasi Windows dengan Visual Basic Net,

Jakarta, Erlangga.

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Sundert, (2015). Dasar-dasar Komputer, Jakarta : Bina Aksara.


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