Peningkatan Produktivitas dan Kualitas Resin Jernang Berdasarkan SNI 1671:2010 di Desa Geulanggang Teungoh Bireuen Aceh Indonesia

Saifuddin Saifuddin


Crystal clear (dragon blood) is the most expensive sap in the world. Is a resin found in the flesh and the surface of the skin of adult clear
fruit. The use of clear resin is for medicinal substances (antiseptic, asthma, syphilis), raw material for coloring in the ce ramics, marble,
assistive devices, wood, paper and pharmaceutical industries. The resin is obtained from the extraction of clear fruit that grows only on
Sumatra and Kalimantan. Currently clear resin is also an export product to China, Hong Kong, and Singapore, because it contains
dracohordin compounds which have the potential as biological medicinal ingredients and pharmacological activities such as
antimicrobial, antiviral, antitumor, and cytotoxic activities. Buangun city is a city that has several problems concerning th e productivity
and quality of the clear resin produced. The problem is due to the process of pounding clear fruit is still done conventionally. So that
the yield of resin production is still very low. With the mechanization of clear collision tools, clear extraction tools and resin deposition
devices, there is an increase in productivity and quality of clear resin by providing workshops to analyze the quality of cle ar resin. The
mechanization process will get finer and uniform sizes so that during the extraction process will get more clear resin. As well as the
extraction tank equipped with a filter will make it easier to separate the clear fruit from clear resin that is joined with water. But there
is still a significant obstacle that is using a lot of water solvents for the extraction process so that it is difficult to separate the resin from
the solvent after filtering stage 1 by using a filter from fabric. Intake of the second stage resin requires a long time in t he depositional
silkus. For this purpose, deposition devices are made so that deposition is not repeated so that the final result is obtained to determine
the quality standard of clear resin based on SNI 1671: 2010. Clear quality classifications are resin content, moisture content, ash content,
impurities content, melting point, color and dracohordin content

Kata Kunci

Clear Resin, Extraction, Production Technology, Quantity and Quality

Teks Lengkap:



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