Penerapan Tungku Hemat Energi pada UMKM Kerupuk Singkong di Desa Blang Keutumba Kabupaten Bireuen

Trisna Trisna, Muhammad Zakaria


Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) of cassava crackers in Blang Keutumba Village, Bireuen Regency was still using
a traditional cooking furnace or open fireplace in the production process. The furnace cause a lot of energy wasted so require a lot of wood
fuel. Fuel is an important factor of production and must be used as efficiently as possible. In the production process of cassava crackers,
the fuel used for the boiling process is wood and various types of agricultural waste such as fibre and coconut fronds. The open furnace
causes a lot of energy wasted, so require a lot of wood fuel. Fuel is an important factor of production and must be used as efficiently as
possible. The availability of this fuel will be increasingly limited by the number of developing similar businesses, so the price is higher and
causes production costs to increase. The purpose of this Community Service Program (PKM) was to apply energy-saving furnace on MSMEs
cassava crackers so that it can save energy and time in the production process. This PKM was carried out by making a closed furnace made
of concrete with one kiln for two cooking stoves. The stages of the implementation of PKM activities, namely situation analysis, socialization,
determining the solutions offered, the application of energy-efficient furnaces, testing the energy-efficient furnaces, and evaluating the
programs. The application of a closed furnace at MSMEs can reduce the use of wood fuel and shorten the boiling time by 51%. Besides, the
furnace was applied using one kiln with two cooking furnaces at once, thereby increasing production capacity by up to 50%.

Kata Kunci

Furnace, energy, performance, cassava, MSMEs

Teks Lengkap:



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