Program Pembuatan Alat Autoclave Untuk Sterillisasi Kemasan Kaleng Pada Kelompok Usaha Bellia Indah Untuk Produk Ikan Kemamah di Kecamatan Ulee Kareng Kota Banda Aceh

Herri Darsan


One of obstacles obtained by the Bellia Indah business group in marketing the products of Kemamah Fish
products to the market is to meet the requirements set by the Government on health standards and laboratory tests set by
BPOM (Food and Drug Monitoring Agency). These products require bacteria and germ sterilizers so that these products
can last a long time and make it easier for consumers to save when traveling away or when stored at home. Therefore, it
is needed Autoclave Tools for Sterilisation of Canned Packaging on common fish products in order to eliminate all
microorganisms, including bacterial spores. This tool is needed to carry out the process of wet sterilization, drying and
storage automatically without being affected by human hands and free air. Autoclave tool which reaches a temperature
of 121°C in about 15-30 minutes can destroy all food bacteria in the can. For processing sterilization equipment selection
of stainless-steel materials is needed to maintain food security and tool durability so it can last for long time period. In the
testing process, the temperature observations obtained at the pressure gauge from the beginning of the room temperature
until it reaches the temperature of 250°C for 1 hour 43 minutes. The desired temperature at 221°C is held for 15 minutes,
the time obtained is 1 hour 7 minutes. From this process it can be concluded that this tool works well when heating vessels
using LPG gas so that it can be applied to canned products in the Bellia Indah business group.

Kata Kunci

Autoclave, Sterilization, spore, mushroom, microbes, instrumen

Teks Lengkap:



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