Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Masyarakat Penghasil Pliek U di Aceh Besar

Cut Meurah Rosnelly


Lhoknga is a sub-district located in Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province, which has an agricultural area dominated by coconut
plants. Most of the people forms coconut-based business group. The pliek u (traditional Aceh spices) producing business group is one
of the many businesses that have flourished in Lhoknga Subdistrict precisely in the village of Meunasah Baro Lamlhom. During this
time, byproducts in the process of making pliek u leave shells and coconut water that have not been used optimally and have the potential
to become waste. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide technology's transfer and skills to partner business group
through the application of Appropriate Technology (TTG), namely utilizing coconut shell waste into briquettes and coconut water into
syrup and soy sauce. The method was used to empower the target community through an intensive approach involving community
participation in the learning process, continuing activity to solve the problems in people's lives. This activity has fostered an
entrepreneurial spirit to created a home industry by coconut waste treated. The community participation in various training activities
both coconut shell processing and coconut water processing was very satisfying. The results of training on the utilization of coconut
waste have been able to provided knowledge and insight for the community to develop the potential of coconut waste, till as to increase
the income and welfare of the people of the village of Meunasah Baro Lamlhom, Lhoknga Aceh Besar District.

Kata Kunci

Lhoknga district, coconut, community development, community participation, economic recovery

Teks Lengkap:



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