Pelatihan Pembuatan Stik Bandeng Bagi Ibu-ibu Rumah Tangga Desa Jambo Timu Kecamatan Blang Mangat Kota Lhokseumawe
This activity was carried out in the village of Jambo Timu as a fishery resource in the form of capture fish and cultured fish
in the Lhokseumwe city area. The condition of this community, 80% more work as fishermen. Fishermen with uncertain income levels.
The results of our initial survey, the potential of fisheries resources are always available but have not been able to prosper the lives of
these people. One reason is the lack of community skills in processing fishery products and selling valuable. Training to improve
community skills, namely making sticks from whole milk fish as the objective of this activity. The target partners are housewives who
have lots of free time and can process directly in the house. The selection of milkfish as raw material for milkfish produced by this
region has a good taste, does not smell of mud, besides high nutritional content, which is liked by many people. Milkfish is famous for
its many thorns, as an obstacle when consuming it, so it is discarded as trash. The thorns contain calcium which can be used. The use
of whole milkfish to produce sticks containing protein and calcium as the main topics of this service. In order for the thorn to be used,
the thorn is softened using a modern process using a pressure cooker. The resulting milkfish sticks are brownish yellow, taste good,
fragile and are on the average preferred by partners as a punishment in organoleptic testing. This milkfish stick product is safe for
consumption because it is free from additives such as synthetic dyes, stabilizers, and preservatives. Also worth selling from interviews
with training partners. Partner communities benefit from the implementation of this activity, namely knowledge of food production
systems based on the application of technology.
Kata Kunci
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[SNI] Standar Nasional Indonesia, 4106.1-2009
[SNI] Standar Nasional Indonesia, 01-2729.1-20
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