Memperkenalkan Energi Terbarukan Menggunakan Panel Surya Bagi Pelajar SMP IT Bunayya Lhokseumawe Guna Menuju Lingkungan Mandiri Energi

Misbahul Jannah


Bunayya IT Middle School is a first-level school in the city of Lhokseumawe with a total of 134 students. This school is a
private school under the auspices of a foundation. As one of the schools that combines two curricula, namely umu and religion, this
school has facilities that almost all use electric energy with a large power capacity. The use of excess electrical energy and is not balanced
by way of saving the use of electrical energy will result in a lot of costs that must be incurred by the foundation every month. . Activities
that make electricity consumption reduced are called part of saving electricity. With the culture of energy saving through counseling
and learning about energy sources and being able to assemble other installations, it is hoped that students at the school can make their
environment an energy independent environment. The method used in this activity is to provide education and training. The educational
method includes several stages where the first stage is by giving material or tutorials on general knowledge about the culture of saving
electricity. The second stage provides information about solar energy technology. Furthermore, the third stage provides a tutorial in
assembling panels that will be used to produce solar energy which includes all the problems of the components that will be used in
producing electrical energy from solar energy. as lighting in class

Kata Kunci

energy saving, renewable energy, solar panels, lighting

Teks Lengkap:



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