Penerapan Eco Dayah pada Instalasi Air Wudhu di Dayah Baitussyura Al-Aziziyyah Kecamatan Blang Mangat Kota Lhokseumawe

A Jannifar


Water plays a very important role in human life, that role can seen from the level of human needs in use in daily activities
one of which is for ablution. Dayah Baitussyura Al-Aziziyyah who is a partner of community service activities is one of 9 dayahs /
pesantren in the Lhokseumawe city area. Dayah Baitussyura Al-Aziziyyah is located on Jalan Cot Sabong, Brimob Company,
kilometer 5, Gampong Jeulikat Village, Blang Mangat District, Lhokseumawe City. The problem that must be resolved in this activity
is Dayah Baitussyura Al-Aziziyy does not have a good ablution installation. Ablution is done so far by drawing water directly from
the well or performing ablution in the ablution tub in the mosque. Besides that, the use of electricity is quite large due to wastefulness
when filling water into the container. The dedication activity that will be implemented at Dayah Baitussyura Al-Aziziyyah aims to
create an eco dayah at Dayah Baitussyura Al-Aziziyyah. Eco dayah is a program that aims to create an environmentally friendly
dayah. The method used in this activity is a participatory and collaborative method in which all elements of dayah and santri
management participate in activities such as planning, fabrication of storage tanks, installation of water level control devices, making
ablutions, installation of ablutions, installation of operation and maintenance of installation clean water treatment. From the results
of the activities carried out it can be concluded; a water installation and representative ablution facility have been built with a dual
function drainage design. A water level control device has been installed in the reservoir. Partners have been able to use clean water
efficiently and effectively, this is the beginning of the eco dayah program, which is towards an environmentally friendly dayah. The
use of electric power for the use of water pumps will be more efficient. The dayah community understands how to maintain clean
water installations

Kata Kunci

eco dayah, water management, piping installation, ablution place

Teks Lengkap:



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