Pelatihan Promoting Autonomous Learning In Teaching English Speaking Kepada Guru Bahasa Inggris SMK Negeri 5 Lhokseumawe

Yusnimar M. Amin


The teacher training about Promoting Autonomous Learning in Teaching English Speaking to English teachers of State
Vocational High School Number 5 of Lhokseumawe was given to all English teachers who teach at the school. There were 4 English
teachers and 1 Japanese teacher. It aimed to improve the knowledge and ability to apply the learning activities which enable the students
to have an exposure to learn independently in and out of the class. It is important because learning a language is not enough if it is done
only in the class, especially in non-English speaking countries. The students don’t have enough exposure to practice the language they
have learned in the class. By setting the learning activities which enable the students exploring the knowledge and information from
various media, it is expected to that the students will have enough exposure to develop their language outside the class. It was done in
some sessions: Teacher’s problem mapping; Pre-test; Knowledge transfer about the concept of autonomous learning dan learner
autonomoy in ELT, especially Speaking skill; learning activities; writing a learning module; teaching simulation; Post-test. After the
training held, the teachers have finished written a learning module for speaking with the autonomous learning activities. Moreover, there
was a significant increase in the percentage of the post-test score compared to the pre-test score. It was because the teachers still had a
very lack knowledge about autonomous learning before the training

Kata Kunci

Autonomous Learning, Teaching, English Speaking, Simulation, English Teachers

Teks Lengkap:



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