Kaji Kinerja Alat Penukar Panas Berbasis Mikrokontroler Untuk Sistem Pengering Produk Pertanian

Azwinur Azwinur, Syukran Syukran, Adi Saputra Ismy, Zulkifli Zulkifli


Heat exchangers are devices that are used to change fluid temperatures or change fluid phases by exchanging heat with other fluids. In a heat exchanger, the ability to exchange heat is largely determined by the type of fluid flow and fluid that passes through the heat exchanger. The use of heat exchangers in the field of drying agricultural products is now a necessity to overcome the productivity problems of drying. With the development of technology, there are demands for innovation to create an automatic control system on a microcontroller-based heat exchanger. This system will be used as a controller in the drying process, i.e. controlling the temperature is always stable at the temperature permitted in the process of drying agricultural products electronically and automatically. It will be easier to dry agricultural products by controlling the temperature automatically remaining stable rather than using conventional methods guarded all the time. The purpose of this research is to design and make a microcontroller that can regulate the temperature of the heat exchanger automatically in accordance with the temperature permitted for drying agricultural products. The research method was carried out by fabricating 1 unit of heat exchanger which was equipped with an LCD display microcontroller-based system for temperature value information. This microcontroller can control the temperature in the dryer according to the desired temperature needs and this temperature is adjusted to the temperature of a standardized agricultural product. Microcontroller used is Arduino Mega2560.

Kata Kunci

Heat exchanger; Drying System; Microcontroller; Temperature.

Teks Lengkap:



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