Pembuatan Mesin Pengupas Kulit Melinjo Dengan Daya 1 Hp

Zaini Zaini


Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon Linn) is the basic ingredient of chips melinjo. The emping melinjo production process is generally carried out traditionally, the series is quite long, long, generally a manual process, so productivity is very low. One of the process of making melinjo chips is stripping the outer skin of melinjo fruit. The process of stripping the outer skin of melinjo fruit is still very manual so it requires a longer time and is sufficient to save the safety of workers' hands. The purpose of this research is to produce a melinjo peel paring machine with 1 Hp power. The research method begins with the design, manufacture of machines to test performance and analysis of results. Do the peeler using the curler roll. From the results of the design has been successfully manipulated peel melinjo skin peeling machine with a roll clamp function. Melinjo skin peeling machine has specifications: Transmission system using belts and pulleys, eye peeler using a peeler roll with 16 peeler eyes, stator eye binder 7 eye peeler, dimension (pxlxt) 370 mm x 370 mm x 900 mm, and weight 50 kg. From the test results, 50% peeled melinjo fruit, there is still melinjo broken due to the structure and shape of different seed sizes.

Kata Kunci

melinjo fruit; peeling machine; roll mechanism; appropriate technology

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