Sistem Manajemen Basisdata Biodiversity Indonesia Berbasis Eco-Informatics

Muhammad Arhami, Huzaeni Huzaeni, Muhammad Iqbal, Anita Desiani


Indonesia is one of the nation with the highest level of natural wealth and biodiversity in the world. This make Indonesia as a promising area for researchers to conduct research in the field of biodiversity ecology. However, the mechanism of data collection, data integration and data analysis of extensive biodiversity data makes research in the field of ecology very complicated because it requires a variety of different reference sources. Eco-informatics is an approach that can simplify the problem of ecological complexity by combining informatics and ecology. The purpose of this research is to build a biodiversity database management system into a web
application that can be used as a reference for researchers in the field of ecology and as part of education for the general public. The method to build the system used waterfall method through data needs analysis, functional requirements analysis, system design, database table design, user interface design, coding and system testing. The results of this research is a web based database management system application that can classify taxonomic data, search for species and display species information in metadata.

Kata Kunci

Biodiversity; eco-informatics; metadata; waterfall; management of database

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