Ekstraksi Senyawa Bio-aktif pada Beberapa Rempah Ie Bu Peudah

Cut Nilda


Ie bu peudah is one of the typical food products of Aceh which is usually served during the fasting month. This food contains a mixture of various ingredients such as rice, water and spices with distinctive taste and aroma. This study aims to determine the bioactive compounds contained in the four main types of spices commonly used in ie bu peudah and to determine the effect of boiling time on the content of bioactive compounds in spices. This study used four spices which is commonly used in processing of ie bu peudah such as Nekuet leaf (Leuconitis eugenifolius), Tahe Peuha leaf (Ligustrum glomeratum Blume), Teumpheung leaf
(Antidesma ghaesaembilla) and Saga leaf (Abrus precatorius)) and the effect of boiling time of these spices in 15 minutes and 20 minutes.The analysis carried out was total phenol, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity test (DPPH method). The results showed that the average total phenol in the four leaves was 34.27 mg GAE / ml and Tahe Peuha leaves had the highest total phenol (73,38 mg GAE/ml). The total flavonoids of the four types of spices used ie bu peudah ranged from 0.068 mg QE/ml to 0.163 mg QE/ml with an average of 0.102 mg QE/ml. The antioxidant activity of the four main spices ie bu peudah was Nekuet leaf 61.03 mg/ml, Tahe Peuha leaf 60.93 mg/ml, Teumpheung leaf 71.16 mg/ml, and Saga leaf 56.75 mg/ml.

Kata Kunci

Ie bu peudah; porridge; herbs; total phenol; total flavonoid; antioxidant activity

Teks Lengkap:



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