Optimasi Sudut Penyimpangan Panel Surya Terhadap Garis Lintang dengan Metode Algoritma Genetika, Studi Kasus: Kampus Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Yassir Yassir


The tilt angle, the direction of the solar panel and the angle of deviation towards the latitude (azimuth) of the installation can still affect the total power generated by the solar panel (PV). This study proposes the optimization of the azimuth angle of the annualPV installation using the genetic algorithm (GA) method. Genetic algorithm initializes the azimuth angle with the specified limits, then a calculation is performed to get the maximum PV output power value with the crossover, mutation and selection processes. Thealgorithm is limited to 50 generations. The results show that the energy received by PV after azimuth angle optimization has increased by 3 kWH/year/m2.

Kata Kunci

Photovoltaic; azimuth angle; direction; optimization; renewable energy.

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