Rancang Bangun Prototipe Pengendali Traktor Tangan Secara Jarak Jauh berbasis Mikrokontroler

Aidi Finawan, Muhaimin Muhaimin, Eliyani Eliyani, Hanafi Hanafi


Operation of a hand tractor is done by pushing or controlling it with the operator's hand from behind. One of the main reasons for the low acceptance of hand tractors is the work involved in its operations. Operators are exposed to extreme environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, repairs and vibrations. Traction operators can increase high levels of vibration. Such fatigue occurs for months longer, can increasingly cause physical, physiological and health problems in the long run. Efforts should be made to improve it to be minimized. Much research has been done by helping to hold the tractor, adding seating for the operator, and others. The modification also still depends on the operator to depend on the tractor or follow it when supporting. If the tractor can be operated remotely, this will make it easy for the operator. What parts need to be repaired and how to adjust the
tractor control levers to be used remotely. Two levers are controlled at a distance, the left clutch and the right clutch to move and deflect the tractor. The resulting remote control prototype can clearly position the joystick lever. Operations of both clutch pulling motors can pull and open the clutch for each position of the left and right levers.

Kata Kunci

hand tractor; remote control

Teks Lengkap:



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