Penggunaan Modul Multiplexer CD74HC4067 Untuk Menambah Input Analog Pada NodeMcu ESP8266

Julsam Julsam, Roswaldi Sk, Kartika Kartika, Mulyadi Mulyadi


Many microcontroller modules currently on the market, but the modules are made as small as possible with limited facilities. As contained in the ESP6288 module which has only one analog input. Whereas if you will need more than one, you will
need a module again. In this study, we require to add analog inputs using the CD74HC4067 multiplexer module. This multiplexer module can add 16 analog inputs from the ESP6288 module. After making and testing the system the results are obtained which can add analog inputs by utilizing the CD74HC4067 multiplexer module. And the results of reading the analog data can be seen in the
Arduino plotter series and on the web.

Kata Kunci

Multiplexers; CD74HC4067; ESP6288; Arduino Plotter Series.

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