Kajian Prioritas Penanganan Drainase Kota Lhokseumawe

Ibrahim Ibrahim, Rizal Syahyadi, Fauzi A Gani, Syarwan Syarwan


Urban drainage has a function to prevent inundation flooding due to rain that occurs in a city or residential area. This urban drainage often does not function or in other words, inundation floods still occur due to technical and social factors. Low community participation in maintaining drainage systems which causes garbage to pile up and wild plants grow in it. Lhokseumawe City as one of the regencies / cities in Aceh Province also experienced problems in its drainage system. In an effort to improve drainage system services in Lhokseumawe City, a comprehensive and integrated drainage system planning effort is needed. To
support this plan, an inventory of drainage channels is needed to determine the exact position and condition of the draianse channel. Therefore this study will analyze the drainage conditions of Lhokseumawe City which focus on the central location of Lhokseumawe City based on the results of an inventory of Facilities around the drainage channel, dimensions, type of drainage. From the inventory
results it is found that the dimensions / size of these channels vary from channels with a width of 1 m up to 9 meters with channel height is 1-3 meters. Land use around this channel varies, consisting of public facilities (mosques, markets, offices, dormitories, schools, terminals), shops and fields with good conduit conditions, damaged, accumulation of garbage, the presence of plants, there are buildings on the drianse and sediments with thickness of 5 cm to 25 cm. Based on the weighting results obtained first rank and also become the first priority in handling channel problems is the primary channel reservoir 2 followed by the primary channel reservoir 1 and reservoir 3 in the third sequence.

Kata Kunci

Drainage Networks; Inventory; Priority; Online; Channels; Dimensions

Teks Lengkap:



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