Implementasi Model Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) dalam Pemilihan Geuchik

Angga Pratama, Ahmad Yani


The election of the village head is a democratic election which is held every five years. The existence of the village head election (geuchik) can produce a geuchik that is in accordance with the wishes of the gampong community and is of good quality in advancing the village area. However, the number of geuchik candidates who followed made the community confused, because not much is known from his experience during his tenure and the public trust that is not yet widely known. Therefore we need a model in the geuchik election decision support sistem in the village. It is hoped that this sistem can be used in every village head election in Aceh specifically in North Aceh District. The purpose of this study is to facilitate the village community in seeing the results of the election
taking place and the public can see the candidates along with recommendations from the displayed sistem. Research methods: conducting a survey on each candidate for data collection, in the form of nationalism, integrity, nationalism, dignity, decisiveness, age, work loyalty and lifestyle that will be included in the topsis model. Then there is the implementation phase of the design of decision
support sistem applications into the programming language programming. Finally, do the test by trying to detail the application displayed by the interface. The results of this sistem can see the ranking of geuchik candidates in the election using the topsis method and can be a solution for the village community to be able to fulfill the trust that has been given which can then fulfill the trust that has been given and can provide the best service for the village community.

Kata Kunci

decision support sistems; topsis; village head elections

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