Rancang Bangun Prototipe Pengusir Hama Tikus dan Burung Berbasis Internet of Things (IoT)

Hari Toha Hidayat, Akhyar Akhyar, Mahdi Mahdi


The management of agricultural land which is still traditional in nature is very influential on yields. In addition to managing the land, a factor influencing crop yields is pests issued by farmers. Farmers in repelling pests still use traditional methods. Rice pests that are most often feared by farmers are birds and rats. To overcome the problem of rat and bird pests, farmers still use natural methods such as overcoming rat pests using owls and cope with sparrows using scarecrow. Suggested concepts to overcome the problem of farmers in repelling rat and sparrows pests which are also the aim of this research to make a prototype to repel rat and sparrows pests using internet-based technology. The research conducted obtained results with good quality. Where the largest delay time reaches 9.09 ms and the highest delay time is 3.22 ms. No delay is obtained which reaches 1 sec. The pear sensor is only able to read objects
consisting of birds less than 100 cm apart. When the distance from 10 - 70 cm provides sending notifications to Android quickly. However, if the distance> 80 cm is not able to choose pests. Based on tests that have been done regarding the reaction of birds when the ultrasonic speaker is turned on. The condition is seen at a distance of 10 - 60 cm from the ultrasonic speaker where there are symptoms of bird avoidance and anxiety. While at a distance of 80-140 cm the condition of bird pests looks nervous. And Conditions > 140 seen
no response to the bird pest object.

Kata Kunci

Pests; prototypes; notifications; android; ultrasonic speakers.

Teks Lengkap:



pontianak.tribunnews.com/2018/03/18/jumlah-petani-indonesia-alamipenurunan-ini-upaya pemerintah


Erna Susanti & Joko Triyono, 2016, "Prototype Alat IoT (Internet of Things) untuk Pengendali dan Pemantau Kendaraan Secara Realtime", Simposium Nasional Rapi XV FT UMS Surakarta, ISSN: 1412-9612 hal 401-407.

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