Sistem Monitoring Absensi Perkuliahan Dengan Menggunakan RFID Berbasis Raspberry Pi

Muhammad Nasir, Usmardi Usmardi, Rachmawati Rachmawati, Fachri Yanuar R


Attendance is important for lectures in polytechnics. Lecture attendance is said to be important because of this attendance can be seen students who diligently come to attend lectures and students who do not diligently come to lectures. Because Polytechnic is a vocational education, face-to-face meeting in lectures is a major requirement in the education system. Therefore, in the implementation of the attendance process it is very necessary accuracy in its implementation so that no students are harmed. But the fact is the study program at Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic still uses attendance systems manually, namely by using attendance papers as monitoring student attendance in class. In addition to recording attendance manually requires quite a long time and the possibility
of human error can occur in the process of recording attendance. The application of RFID technology in the student attendance system uses an RFID card that functions to send information codes and read data input using the RC522 module. Then from the RC522 module will be read and processed by Raspberry PI B +. This abscess system application is made using the Python and PHP programming languages. Based on the test results, the maximum detection distance of a student RFID card against the RC522 module is 4-5 cm. In this study also uses the QoS (Quality of Service) method to measure the delay parameters that are generated in one network that is used. The test results that have been carried out in this study with a distance of 1-7 meters and obtain a very good signal quality with an average delay generated 80 ms

Kata Kunci

Attendance; RFID card; RC522 module; Raspberry PI B +; QoS

Teks Lengkap:



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