Studi Sistem Pengaturan Kecepatan Motor Induksi Tiga Phasa 4 KW MenggunakanPerangkat Kecepatan Variabel di PT. Pembangkit Jawa Bali PLTMG Arun

Fauzan Fauzan, Teuku Hasannudin, Said Muhammad Hafidh, Taufik Taufik


The development of semiconductor technology encourages the development of induction motor speed regulating equipment by using an inverter called a variable speed device or commonly called a Variable Speed Drive (VSD). VSD is a device consisting of rectifiers, filters, inverters and controllers to regulate the output value generated. This method aims to control the speed of the induction
motor and motor torque which can be controlled simultaneously. The purpose of this study was to determine the speed regulation of a 4 kW three-phase induction motor using a variable speed device and engine temperature regulation. using a temperature sensor Restitance Temperature Detectors (RTD) on variable speed devices at PT. PJB PLTMG Arun. The methodology used for setting these variable speed devices can be realized in a number of ways, namely manual system settings and automatic system settings. The results obtained setting the speed of an induction motor with a variable speed device is very easy and can be adjusted to the user's wishes by adjusting the incoming frequency value based on the temperature in the area around the engine that is read by the sensor. If the temperature around the engine is hot at 31 ° C then the motor speed will be high to adjust the temperature in the engine area and if the
temperature in the engine area is not too hot around 26 ° C then the motor speed will be low. the fastest rotation speed occurs during the daytime, reaching 100% of the rotation of 16 three-phase induction motors, while the lowest rotation speed occurs at night, reaching 90% of the rotation of 16 three-phase induction motors, this condition is influenced by external temperatures room.

Kata Kunci

Induction motor; settings; speed; variable; rotation

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Jakarta: ANDI Yogyakarta.


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