Oven Otomatis Untuk Memanggang Kue Bolu Marmer Berbasis PID

Kartika Kartika, Roswaldi Sk, Julsam Julsam, Mulyadi Mulyadi, Misriana Misriana


This article reports the results of research on the manufacture of a marble sponge cake toaster with a PID controller. In this oven there is a wind speed regulation by controlling the speed of the dc motor which rotates the blades, the temperature setting by using the PID control. To regulate motor speed using PWM control and BTS7960 driver, the temperature sensor is used type K thermocouple. All of these controls use Arduino Uno R3. After conducting the test, the oven can work well with a holding temperature of 1600C and a time of 28 minutes.

Kata Kunci

Oven; PWM; Thermocouple Type K; PID.

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