Implementasi Mini CNC Router 3 Axis untuk Pembuatan Huruf dan Gambar Berbasis GRBL 3.6.1

Roswaldi Sk, Julsam Julsam, Kartika Kartika, Alno Fendri, Mulyadi Mulyadi


This article provides a treasure trove of control system science in order to remember the competitiveness of SME production in Indonesia. Many SME entrepreneurs are still unfamiliar in using CNC Machines to work on SME practitioners. CNC machines can be used to make letters and drawings. The CNC machine uses three stepper motors and one dc motor with high speed, which functions for spindder, and as a series of electronics uses arduino and sheel stepper motor drivers. These three stepper motors are controlled with GRBL 3.6.1 and Easel software. After testing, an error was obtained on the x-axis x-engraved 1.2%. The y axis is 1.5% and the z axis is 5.8%. While errors in making images / logos by 2%.

Kata Kunci

3 Axis Mini CNC Router Machine; GRBL 3.6.1 Software; Easel Software and Stepper motors

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