Pengaturan Gerakan Translasi Menggunakan Motor Stepper

Suryati Suryati, Misriana Misriana, Anita Fauziah, Widdha Mellyssa


Motion of rigid bodies consists of rotational motion, translational motion and rotational / translational motion. As for producing motion in the form of a stepper motor. This stepper motor only produces rotational motion, whereas to make a machining system not only requires rotational motion, but also uses translational motion. To produce a translational motion you can use slider crank, cam-follower, rack pinion, power screw, summing linkage and belt / chain drive. In this research, using a lead screw to change to translational motion on a stepper motor, TB6600 driver module and Arduino Uno R3 as a control test. After making the system and
conducting an experiment to change the motion to translation, an error of 1.5% was obtained. With an error of less than 2%, it can be concluded that this system can be used.

Kata Kunci

rotational motion; translational motion; lead screw; stepper motor

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