Penerapan Augmented Reality Pada Kegiatan Laboratorium Berbasis Android

Sarah Fairuza, Hari Toha Hidayat, Atthariq Atthariq


The laboratory has an important role in the world of education which is supported by special equipment to meet certain standards so that the laboratory is suitable for use by students who will do the practicum. To be able to reduce error rates and attract student interest in conducting activities in laboratories, a more interesting and interactive system is needed. With the presence of
augmented reality technology then a laboratory activities guide application based on android can be applied according to standard operating procedure of preparation before entering the laboratory and basic network subject which is make Local Area Network or LAN cables look more interactive and interesting by using three-dimensional animation. The method used is the object recognition method where three-dimensional objects are used as marker. This study aims to determine the design of markers using the object recognition method and get the maximum and minimum position of the distance and angle of the camera to the marker and the best position for the smartphone camera can detect the marker in the application of augmented reality in laboratory activities in the form of 3D animation standard operating procedures entering laboratory rooms and basic network subject. It can be concluded in this study that the design of
markers uses the Vuforia Object Scanner application to scan LAN tester objects which are then uploaded to the Vuforia website to become markers and the results obtained are the best test distance for the camera detecting the marker, 20 cm to 50 cm with the best angle of 0° to 30°.

Kata Kunci

augmented reality; object recognition; android; marker; standard operating procedure; LAN cable

Teks Lengkap:



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