Penambahan Limbah Latek Alam Pada Campuran Laston Agregat Bongkaran Sebagai Polimer Untuk Peremajaan Lapisan Surface Course

Sulaiman Sulaiman, Hanafiah Hanafiah, Khamistan Khamistan, Gusrizal Gusrizal


The surface course layer’s durability of the pavement construction affected by the mixture of aggregate and asphalt according to the portions and the implementation system in the field, the ingredient that used must suitable with the specifications that has been specified, so the construction will reach the age plan, if overload does not happen during traffic service. Maintaining the sustainability of environment on the resurfacing road lane construction (overlay) recycling in place or dismantle old layer at another place. Demolition placement also often become a problem or pollution in the Surrounding Environment, turn into waste. Avoid things that can be used to recycling by redesigning the demolition mixture with adding aggregate and asphalt or with added the other
ingredients that could increase the mixture. The author utilizes the results of the demolition material on KM 295-300 of the eastern crossroads of Aceh Province by adding natural latex as a polymer material, which is specifically for the surface layer because the layer is not structural. The research was begun by extracting the reclaimed asphalt pavement to obtain the asphalt and aggregate that available, research methods based on the standards that have been specified, for gradations using the specifications of Bina Marga 2018. Testing using the Marshall method. The results of extraction obtained that asphalt content is 1.42%, while the optimal asphalt content is 6.2%. The marshall parameter test shows the addition of latex can increase the value of stability, VMA, density, VFB, and MQ, while VIM is above 5% and flow is above 4%, the optimum stability value at addition 15% latex. Needs further study to perfect
the research by finding other materials that can improve the value of flow and VIM in the mixture.

Kata Kunci

reclaimed asphalt pavement; natural latex; Marshall Parameter; AC-WC

Teks Lengkap:



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