Perencanaan Gelagar Beton Prategang Pada Jembatan Rayeuk Kareung Kecamatan Blang Mangat Kota Lhokseumawe

Rizka Widayanti, Herri Mahyar, Syukri Syukri


The bridge of Rayeuk Kareung is in Blang Mangat District, Lhokseumawe, Acheh. The bridge was designed by the length
of 22.60 m and the width of 8 m which used the prestress concrete in the girder. The scope of the girder design includes the size of the
cross section, number of strands and tendons, tension control, loss of prestress force, ultimate moment capacity and deflection. The
bridge was categorized as the class of A with the traffic width of 7 m and sidewalk width of 2 x 0,5 m. The load was analyzed by the
standard of SNI 1725:2016 and next concrete designed by the use of a post tension system. The result designed that the girder height
was 1.25 m with 3 tendons consisting of 37 strands. The first and second tendons consist of 9 strands and the third tendon consists of
19 strands. The percentage of prestress’s losses was 24.92% and the maximum deflection of load was 0.010 m.

Kata Kunci

girder; prestress; strands; tendon;

Teks Lengkap:



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