Solusi Konflik Perekonomian Syari`ah Melalui Pemberdayaan Badan Albitrase dan Peradilan Agama Islam

Al Mawardi MS, Nurdan Nurdan, M Suib, Maulidin Iqbal


from the authority possessed by the Religious Courts. The problem is that until now there has not been a positive legal rule that specifically regulates the Sharia economic dispute resolution; however that does not mean that there is no legal rule or in other words there has been a "legal vacuum" in this issue. Which has been formulated is to use the statute approach and conceptual approach and if a thesis writing process arises, a case concerning syariah economic disputes in the Religious Court will not rule out the case approach will also be used. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the Religious Court has the authority to examine, try and settle Sharia economic dispute cases because it is in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution article 24 paragraph (2) joncto article 2 and article 49 of Law Number 3 of 2006 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1989 concerning Religious Courts. The procedural law applicable to the Religious Courts in resolving Shari'ah economic disputes prior to the enactment or enactment of specific laws and regulations for this is the civil procedural law that applies to General Courts.

Keywords— Shariah Economy, Empowerment of Albitracy Bodies and Religious Courts

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