Intelektual Kapital dan Sosial Kapital Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Kemiskinan Masyarakat Pesisir Aceh Utara

Yuli Anisah, Busra Busra, Halimatus sa’diah, Kheriah Kheriah, Syarifuddin Syarifuddin


Abstract— This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the empowerment of the poor on the coast of North Aceh, which can be developed so that the coastal poor can be empowered. Coastal communities, in general, are residents with a low economic level, which is caused by many interrelated factors. In terms of government budgets, Aceh Utara receives a large fiscal overflow due to special autonomy, but poverty rates remain high, even including some of the districts in Aceh with the highest poverty rates. This is certainly contrary to the amount of development budget received. On the other hand, the community also has great potential that can be developed to overcome poverty in the form of local irregularities. The research was carried out in North Aceh regency, especially in the coastal areas in two sub-districts, namely Bayu sub-district and Lapang sub-district, then two villages from each sub-district were chosen. The sample selection is stratified random sampling. Respondents in this study were 150 poor households in the village in the selected sub-district. By using Structural Equation Modeling Analysis (SEM), it was found that the construct of intellectual capital and social capital had a great impact on increasing empowerment. Judging from the indicators of intellectual capital construction, indicators of education, experience, and capacity of individuals provide the highest impact in the formation of these constructs. While the most prominent indicators of social capital constructs are social network indicators, social solidarity, and social inclusion.

Keywords: Social capital, intellectual capital, Constructions, Indicators, poverty

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